Shipping and Taxes

All products are shipped from The Netherlands. This means that if you live outside of the EU, you might have to pay additional taxes or import fees upon arrival. Depending on your location and shipping choice, we will make use of PostNL, DHL or Fedex. Orders shipped to the Netherlands will be shipped with PostNL.

All orders have a flat shipping fee of 9,99 Euro.

For any questions, you can always reach out to us.


Our company is registered in the Netherlands. This means that our prices include a 21% tax rate for all orders placed within the EU. Orders shipped outside the EU do have 0% taxes on them, but might be taxed by DHL/Fedex upon arrival. We use the reduction of taxes for countries outside the EU to cover the increased shipping freight. This way, we are able to maintain an equal and low shipping fee for all countries.

For any questions, you can always reach out to us.